Wednesday, 19 October 2016

A Catch All Archives Page in wordPress Theme

Good price if we have archived. PHP template that will automatically control archives for other Pages categories custom post types custom taxonomy States and it is possible we could see to make more specific ones for each type however having simply just one archive PHP built with a generic group and the wp title function should be good across all of these use cases especially for our particular theme that were doing no need to come back into our home. PHP template and save that as archive. PHP what we'll do then is making weed this look the same however I know that we're going to add any new did with a glass of water add an H1 tag and then use the wp table function with an empty parameter to remove spaces or separators need to remove separators and then blog posts and then it's going to recite going to my blog and then try clicking on our category and send categorize blog posts clicking on the other name same author name blog post and of course we could probably change how this is formatted by putting in that's a little bit nicer here we go and it was basically the same page it has a title at the top and some conditional statements or break archive page up into the other templates you could potentially use customized templates for specific good idea to ask before 5. Just in case


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