Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Coding the Blog Homepage in wordPress Theme

Put back the original static template for blog. HTML and come down inside the primary class we can see the market that we want to leave them inside of my lip specifically we have an article tag with class post 11814 the title and H2 for the excerpt and then and I'm wondering if it would be specific classes for sharing things like the offer and the categories etcetera there's a container for future images if it was one of you can see the rest is just more content as it would appear so what we need to do is bring over some of this into a template and I'm going to do a by copying from opening the article tied down with you will the future image appears and then we're going to come back into our home. PHP template and inside of if statement before ordering the place that market that we just copied over this stuff right here is an important one for WordPress developer to know what markup to pull out from a static template and then what 1 plus code to put in its place will close this article tag and then before replacing the static code with the dynamic WordPress company first I'm going to turn on with that the first piece of code that we will need is instead of working right now so we're going to use the PHP the permalink function of which we stand for and this will automatically figure out what post it is and where it's supposed to meet next week and take out this and replace it with the title followed by that I'm going to introduce a new tank here called the excerpt what exit is similar to the contact accept it cuts the content off after a certain point and it only displays a small episode of the post that's going to be the main problem. Your little bit, then have the post metadata like the offer your avatar name and then category person that had to do here was update this class because Avatar is a class that WordPress is used and I found out afterwards that just using the tablet our classrooms a problem so I need space to update the CSS that you should already have now here's what we do order to get a gravatar gravatar image in WordPress we're going to use a function called get Avatar if you come over and look at those on the Codex briefly drinking so that it takes a few parameters it takes the ID or email on the user his Avatar were trying to get and then the size of it as well as if we want to use a custom without the fallback image for any special alternate text in our case weren't going to pass with the idea of the author who wrote this post but this is a little complex to be passing and functions within functions as parameters however this is fairly conventional way in order for us to get the payment made into the function in this specific example and then during the set 24 as a small size and just have a small Avatar I'm good what's happening is really something that are functions can get the offer letter information specifically the idea of the offer and then I'll put it out on giving shots


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