Wednesday, 19 October 2016

A Static Homepage Template in wordPress Theme

WordPress have to be some options for setting up home pages you can either have a static home page that's a single home page being displayed or you could have a Blog listing page it shows all of your latest blog posts in the next two videos where you look at the front page. PHP template and hung up HP template that control how these templates are displayed in work for your WordPress site if you take a look at the WordPress template I can come down on the front page section we can see what we need a template with front page about PHP someone will do is we'll come back and we'll take our basic index. PHP template for saying that as front page. PHP that we can probably add and remove this conditional statement since we can pretty much count that they will have a home page on here and then let's just go back and test the system working on a test that was supposed to Temple Pennsylvania so we can see that that is working notice we didn't have to do anything to activate it except under customize we have to have a front page that and it will automatically use that front page template and then noticed that if we did not have front page template you would be using a different one as a backup specific reaction types of peach being index however we have a front page setup and it's pretty similar to what we see as the main homepage on are on our static template that we received however we don't have this portfolio count down below it now this template is very similar to our portfolio page and the fact that we're going to do is I'm going to take the same code that we would have on a portfolio page with this customer was telling people really want to have that on the front page as well but it could copy and paste this cold but we know from programming principles that men don't want to get into that practice so instead we're going to create and include which is a small file that we can have just that one that we can then pull into work mode and when he was content - portfolio and this naming Convention of content - and then whatever really is a naming convention that we will often see to differentiate a little kid blog that would go inside of the loop so we have a contact portfolio we're going to come into our page - portfolio pull out all of this custom Loop and paste it into our contract work for me about PHP running its place on the portfolio page and there's a new function called Web template part and this is 22641 press listen to Quran verse lumps in your absence getting the Temple part content - portfolio and this is how babies just called her.... Just call it


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