Common WordPress Functions Used with the Loop in wordPress Theme
Steam developers it's possible that this meeting will change in the future however at the time and what this will likely carry on in its different forms as it evolved as all of the functions that are used with in WordPress if you look for custom post types page attachments being go to have a category and use your functions HTTP API functions etcetera etcetera however a lot of the ones that you would be using would be up inside this post section we could see that some of them just say the underscore whatever it is and someone else I can get underscore the difference between these two types of functions is very important if we use the permit will allow that link into our template code however if we use that will allow was to get the URL and save it as a variable for use later on you can see this with all of these it said get posts Etc there are also some in here that are conditional statements for example is single will tell you if you are on a single page or not or if you're viewing a page that lists multiple items at the very bottom there's a section that has some others listed for example the title the author the idea it's cetera as we go through this course will get to know a number of these different functions however it's a good idea on your own time to click through and see what other functions are available and out there for us
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